A deeply unfunny subject, written about in a surprising way...
From the local newspaper (The Chronicle), this could be straight out of Private Eye.
AN OBESE paedophile who fled the country before facing trial in 1988 has admitted indecently assaulting a young girl.
Balding Matthew Stevens, who used to live in Mylum Close, Kirklees, pleaded guilty to two counts of indecent assault on a girl under 11 at L Crown Court yesterday.
The bespectacled 56-year-old, who has a grey moustache, was arrested in November last year when he resurfaced after more than eight years on the run and living in Wales, the court heard.
What's the point of the litany of unflattering characteristics? Can't help supposing the journalist is helping people to recognise him, to ensure he's given a tough time.
From the local newspaper (The Chronicle), this could be straight out of Private Eye.
AN OBESE paedophile who fled the country before facing trial in 1988 has admitted indecently assaulting a young girl.
Balding Matthew Stevens, who used to live in Mylum Close, Kirklees, pleaded guilty to two counts of indecent assault on a girl under 11 at L Crown Court yesterday.
The bespectacled 56-year-old, who has a grey moustache, was arrested in November last year when he resurfaced after more than eight years on the run and living in Wales, the court heard.
What's the point of the litany of unflattering characteristics? Can't help supposing the journalist is helping people to recognise him, to ensure he's given a tough time.