Enneagram Test Results Type 1 | Perfectionism | |||||||||||| | 47% | Type 2 | Helpfulness | |||||||||||| | 48% | Type 3 | Image Focus | |||||||||||| | 45% | Type 4 | Hypersensitivity | |||||||||||| | 49% | Type 5 | Detachment | |||||||||||||| | 56% | Type 6 | Anxiety | |||||||||||||| | 55% | Type 7 | Adventurousness | |||||||||||| | 43% | Type 8 | Aggressiveness | |||||||||| | 38% | Type 9 | Calmness | |||||||||||| | 49% | Your main type is 5 Your variant is self preservation |
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test Enneagram: Type Five
The Thinker tries to figure out life. The Thinker has a compulsive need to know and understand, to be self-sufficient, to be left alone, and to avoid not having the answer or looking foolish.