Grist to the Mill

27 December, 2006


That's Waterstones the high-street book retailer. I went in a few days before Christmas and came out with a large carrier bag - I asked for one in order to 'disguise' a present bought elsewhere which I didn't want to be visible. Getting sidetracked, but picking up the carrier bag again now, I just noticed that the legend on the side of their carrier bag says "A bookstore is one of the only pieces of evidence we have that people are still thinking" [Jerry Seinfeld]. Which is a bloody laugh, because I only went in, in the first place, to pick up the autobiography of Stephen Fry, or the biography of Kennneth Williams, or both. I think each has contributed to cultural life in recent years and both appear to be fascinating, complicated characters. In the biography section there were just 'pile em high' racks of biographies of Jade Goody, Teri Hatcher (who is she? Was she in Sex in the City?) and their like. Neither the Kenneth Williams nor the Stephen Fry book was there!! Which means their 'quote' on the carrier bag is bogus. "A bookstore is evidence that people are thinking... too much about people from the tele" .

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