Grist to the Mill

24 May, 2006


Have suddenly, in the last six months, found two OLDER (by quite a bit) men - early 50s - very attractive. Admittedly, personality has much to do with it. One is an architect in possession of a certain Je ne sais quoi. Ten years ago, in my early 20s, the same people would have seemed ancient and pensionable - now they appear charismatic and not-in-the-least unattractive.

So, attraction to/interest in older people (who you'd have never noticed before) has to be a sign of getting older - I don't know of a surer sign. Have only just made the connection between 'noticing that there *is* such a thing as a very attractive older man' and 'not so young yourself these days'. Which is a bit startling, really.

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