Grist to the Mill

25 April, 2006


Overheard a small boy in a shop (he'd have been about six), using emotional blackmail on his mother: "Mum! Mum! (very excited) I've wanted this all my life. I've wanted one of these since I was born!" (She didn't buy it.)

Old lady in a shop said irritably to her friend, for effect and to show off: "Oh! I wish I could remember what I've read!".

Saw a wonderful film, Le Gout des Autres. Tremendous. Nicely understated - didn't hammer the point home like the usual American rubbish. A middle aged businessman (he had an awful wife) without too much in the way of accomplishments / awareness of liberal intelligentsia, falls for a language teacher and actress. We spend parts of the film feeling a bit sad for the way her circle think he's a buffoon. With thirty minutes to go, something had to happen. Kept waiting for her to thaw out and stop being a snotty Parisian ice queen. She did eventually. Usual French features of snobbery, existential crises, interpersonal dynamics. Several spoilers here but what the hey, a great film.

Embarrassment in the classroom:

Boy (to me): Can I take my blazer off, miss?
Me: Yes, it's a hot day and this room is stuffy.
Boy 2: I thought he said "Can I have a blow job, miss?"
Much mirth, a couple of people quite embarrassed.
Me: (several minutes later), "Okay, it was funny five minutes ago but I don't expect you all to be still laughing about it now".
Class immediately stop chuckling and get on, obviously relieved that they don't need to continue finding it funny.

Just watched the European championship semi-final. Interesting thought: where a penalty is awarded unfairly, the penalty is saved in 70% of cases.

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