Grist to the Mill

27 November, 2005


It dawned on me a few weeks ago that nobody ever refers to "Global Warming". It is always, 95% of the time, called "Climate Change". This happened recently. Why? I'm guessing that the phenomena previously known as "Global Warming" isn't proven - we may be going through a "Solar-Flare Phase", for example - whereas "Climate Change" covers all bases in the event that increasing temperatures are attributable to a natural agent. This shift has a ring of political correctness about it. "Global Warming" sounds definite and serious; "Climate Change" on the other hand is more subtle, less threatening. "Climate Change" sounds relatively benevolent - a climate is localised and limited, and "Change" doesn't specify in which direction. Let's not shirk the reality of the situation in an attempt to make it more palatable.

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