Grist to the Mill

25 September, 2004


"I get a lot of thoughts in the morning
I write 'em all down
If it wasn't for that
I'd forget them in a while..." (BW)

I get a lot of thoughts when I'm riding my bike all over town. I have a new bike. What could be better than a brand new bike?! Not many things. Riding along, enjoying the fusion of muscle and mechanics (it's so pure, somehow, cycling - no engine, no oil, no noise - just your body and muscles turning the pedals and wheels)... But, I digress. When I'm cycling, my mind tends to wander, especially when I know the route. I like to think that my thoughts don't wander too far from the need to stay alert and focused on the road, but perhaps I'm kidding myself here. The other day - and I've no idea how I got on to this - I started to consider sunflowers. Perhaps I'd seen one en route. I thought about how sunflowers are to flowers as herons are to birds.

You never see many in one place (at least not in England). Only one or two.
They are freakishly outsized relative to other birds/flowers.
Neither are as uncommon as you might suppose. Not really.
They both become a bit sinister if you look at them for too long.

Funny, really, how you can connect more or less most things in terms of similarities if you consider it for a while.

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